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How to Stop the Munchies: A Dietitian’s Guide

Updated: Feb 20

Medically reviewed and written by Serena Benali, Registered Dietitian. Published February 1, 2025.

A kitchen table covered with food, a hand reaching for a snack, and the blog title ‘How to Stop the Munchies: A Dietitian’s Guide to the Munchie Code’ displayed on the image.

If you’ve ever found yourself raiding the fridge after smoking weed, you’re not alone. The munchies are real and there’s science to explain why. Even if you’ve just eaten, cannabis can trigger powerful cravings, making food seem irresistible.

Why Smoking Weed Gives You the Munchies

At the core of this phenomenon is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound in cannabis. THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors in the body that helps regulate appetite, mood, and sensory perception. When THC binds to CB1 receptors in the brain, it flips the switch on hunger cues - making you feel ravenous, even if you're full.

But that’s not all. THC also affects the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls hunger. Normally, certain neurons signal the body to stop eating when it’s full. THC overrides this system, convincing your brain that you still need food. On top of that, cannabis enhances your sense of taste and smell, making food seem more appealing and satisfying than usual.

Simply put, weed makes eating more enjoyable. The dopamine boost that THC provides makes food taste better, smell stronger, and feel more pleasurable, so you’re more likely to keep reaching for snacks.

Understanding why cannabis triggers the munchies is the first step in learning how to manage them. And that’s where The Munchie Code comes in - a mindful approach to enjoying food while high without overindulging.

How to Stop the Munchies?

Well, science says we can’t but that doesn’t mean we’re powerless. The Munchie Code is a practical, mindful approach to navigating post-cannabis cravings, so you can enjoy food without binge eating or overindulging.

The Munchie code

When you’re high, the munchies can feel almost irresistible, even when you’re not truly hungry. The Munchie Code is all about embracing the sensory joys of eating while avoiding the discomfort and regret that often come with overindulging. With a little planning and mindfulness, you can fully enjoy the experience while staying aligned with your health goals.

1. Anticipate the Urge

Even if you've had a meal and feel satisfied and full, you will still have the urge to eat more! It’s part of the experience. Therefore wait to eat, but don't let yourself get overly hungry, finding balance is key. 

2.Pre-Portion Your “Rations”

Pre-portion your snacks or “rations” of food ahead of time. A charcuterie board is a fun way to do this. Cutting or dividing food portions into smaller pieces can help extend your mealtime and heighten the sensory experience.

3. Wait Until You Feel the Effects

Wait to start eating until you're fully feeling the effects.

4. Eat Mindfully & Savour Every Bite

Eat mindfully - this is what it’s all about! Savour the sensory experience and enjoy every bite. Let yourself indulge in the heightened textures, flavours, and aromas.

5. If You Still Want More

When the urge for more strikes, gently remind yourself: there’s always tomorrow to eat.

6. And If You Still Want More…

Lastly, if you truly want to keep eating, move your food to the kitchen table. Sit down without distractions and enjoy your food fully. This keeps you mindful and present with your choice.

Beyond the Munchies: Self-Care When High

Managing the munchies is just one piece of the puzzle but there are plenty of other ways to enjoy cannabis while staying mindful of your well-being. Whether it’s engaging in creative activities, practicing relaxation techniques, or tuning into your body’s needs, self-care can enhance your experience.

Looking for more ways to take care of yourself? 

Download our Self-Care Guide for simple, effective strategies to feel good - whether you’re high or just prioritizing your well-being.

Page samples from the In Good Nutrition Self-Care Guide, featuring tips and strategies for mindful well-being and relaxation.

Final Thoughts: How to Stop the Munchies

Managing the munchies isn’t about restriction - it’s about eating with intention. The goal isn’t to eliminate snacking but to enjoy the experience without overindulgence. By following The Munchie Code, you can embrace the sensory pleasures of eating while high, without the discomfort of eating past fullness.

A Special Thanks to Our Clients

The Munchie Code was developed through the experiences and insights of our clients at In Good Nutrition, who shared their challenges with binge eating, overeating, and managing cravings while high. Their feedback allowed us to create a realistic, effective framework that truly works in practice. We’re grateful for their honesty, collaboration, and willingness to test these strategies - helping us refine an approach that supports balance and intention.

Work with a Registered Dietitian

At In Good Nutrition, our team of registered dietitians is dedicated to providing personalized, science-based guidance to help you achieve your health goals. Whether you're looking to manage cravings, develop mindful eating habits, or address specific nutritional concerns, we're here to support you every step of the way. Ready to take the next step toward a healthier relationship with food? Book a consultation with us today!

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